Meet WArd/waRD

WArd/waRD has recently established itself in Tilburg. Ann Van den Broek’s company celebrates this with a multidisciplinary performance in Schouwburg Concertzaal Tilburg and a unique concert in De Nieuwe Vorst.

In The Balancing Act, Ann Van den Broek searches for a balance. This search sways between extremes. Between melancholy and rage. Between love and loss. It’s an experiment with live video images and sound- and light effects, resulting in a lively, installation-like setting along the boundaries of dance and performance. The performance is nominated for a Swan, the most prestigious dance price in The Netherlands.

Prior to the performance, WArd/waRD organizes a panel discussion and an extra performance in the public space of the theatre in collaboration with Fontys Dance Arts in Context.

“The audience is ruthlessly dragged onto the emotional roller coaster of the dancers.” – Het Parool (NL)

The Memory Loss Concert is a contemporary improvisation concert. The musicians Gregory Frateur, Nicolas Rombouts and Sjoerd Bruil (known from Dez Mona, Spook and Roosbeef, among others) improvise on music from the Memory Loss Collection, an impressive trilogy by choreographer Ann Van den Broek about loss and dementia. The result is a stand-alone concert that unfolds on the spot into a raw, comforting and at the same time confrontational composition.

On the evening of the concert, Memory Loss Inside, a cinematic translation of the successful performance Memory Loss, will also be screened.

“Memory Loss is a personal document: sincere and moving. Cruel and loving.” – Jury VCSD dance prizes (NL)

Meet WArd/waRD